Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a beast under constant evolution. In fact, it might be fair to say that the only thing consistent about the way we use social media marketing is how often it changes. Today, we want to talk you through some of the processes and habits business owners can use to align themselves with SMM as it alters, just as we do at TR Consulting.

You may or may not already use some of these processes and tactics yourself, and whether you do or not is certainly up to you. Have you tried any of the following moves?

Engage a Subscription To A SSM Blog Reel

Trends and features you won’t want to miss will always be covered on major blogging sites.  Check out Social Media Today, or Social Media Explorer for solid, reliable updates you can trust.

 Organise Google Alerts for industry specific terms

The humble hashtag has been a revolutionary tool in capitalising on marketing opportunity. Arranging for alerts about your most impactful terms is a great way to ride the waves in industry trends. Simply head to Google and type the hashtag term into the alerts box and you’ll be sent fresh news daily to your inbox.

 Get Involved with Instagram

Instagram is so much more than amazing (and not so amazing) images. For leaders looking to find out what’s happening that very second, Instagram is THE place to source it. Simply type in your tag term and browse the trending images that appear. With a brain that processes images 600,000 times faster than it does written text, you can’t go wrong!

 Utilise Your LinkedIn Community

LinkedIn is constantly innovating and finding new ways to connect through out career passions. Be sure to check in with LinkedIn on the reg to ensure you’re getting as much of the meaty stuff as you deserve- joining LinkedIn groups is a fantastic way to access the really meaty social media marketing stuff in a practical and engaging way.

Know Your Podcasts

Making it a habit to run an industry related podcast in the office every day is something we can all benefit from. Why not introduce a daily listening habit? An hour-long podcast can reveal some incredible insights into marketing provided it is digestible, quality content, and not just intimidating acronym-filled waffle. Run a simple search to connect with the abundance of interesting podcasters out there just waiting to make your day – Tim Martin, Mitch Joel and Leo Laporte among them

Small to medium sized businesses where there isn’t always a whole lot of time for peripheral work. But, you know that social media marketing can be extremely effective, and you know it helps. Time to call in the professionals?

At TR consulting, we use a huge range of resources that enable us to stay on board with the evolution of SMM, ensuring each step of your campaign aligns with any changes. If you would like us to talk you through our processes for doing so, and to discuss how social media marketing can have positive impact on your online profile, reach out to our team for further information today.

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